There is a common misconception regarding older generators that they are just too old to monitor. That new tech isn’t compatible with generators older than 10 years. Though, the truth is using an independent monitoring solution, it is absolutely possible and very important to do so. Universal solutions are designed to monitor any generator brand, make, model, regardless of age with a simple installation process connecting to the primary components of the generator set. Easy to set up and is compatible with any generator. This gives you the best advantage to service any client out there!
It’s a well known fact that older generators are a greater risk for faults, shutdowns and repairs. Years of wear and tear make them a prime candidate for remote monitoring. Using monitoring helps identify problems early, giving you the best opportunity for routine service work. More generator problems means more service visits, replacement parts, you name it. Bottom line, it’s more profitable to monitor older generators.
There are millions of generators out there that are not compatible with OEM monitoring devices because those systems require newer generator technology. Using an independent solution gives you a huge opportunity to not only service more clients, but gain immediate visibility into the generators you service to stay more profitable. Best of all, it’s much easier than you think to get started. Give us a call to learn more about how Power Telematics can be a perfect fit for your service business.