The EGSA Fall Conference is being held in the beautiful city of Scottsdale, Arizona September 15-17th. EGSA’s conferences offer outstanding educational sessions on topics affecting the on-site power industry as well as networking opportunities. This year’s key note speaker is legendary basketball star Bill Walton. There will also be a presentation by Chris Nagle of Siemens Engines and EGSA Board member. One of the highlights of the Fall EGSA Conference will be the award for the 2019 Technician of the Year.
The Power Telematics team will be attending the conference. We hope you will visit us at our booth at the vendor showcase. We’ll be demonstrating our Power Link Platform as well as unveiling three new generator monitoring product innovations that will significantly enhance generator monitoring opportunities for our clients. Have a question about improving the capabilities of your service department – stop by our booth to learn more! We hope to see you in Scottsdale.