Myth #6: I’ll only sell generator monitoring if my customer asks.
Reality: There are easy ways to promote monitoring without prospecting!

I hear this one pretty frequently, “I like the product, but I’ll only sell monitoring if someone asks.” The misconception is people think that monitoring is something that needs to be sold like you would sell a generator or anything else. When, quite frankly, with the help of 5 easy steps, you can promote your monitoring program without the hard sell.
Step 1: Include It on All New Generator Sales
This one is so simple. Build the cost of monitoring into the cost of the generator. Your customer is already spending thousands on a new generator. What’s a few hundred more? Plus, you can assure them that if there’s a problem, you are already on top of it.
Step 2: Put It on All New Service Maintenance Plans
Another easy one. Bake the cost of the monitoring into all new or renewed service contacts. Your customers already feel comfortable having you as their maintenance provider. Monitoring will retain them for life when they know you have eyes on their generator 24/7/365.
Step 3: Advertise It on All Invoices and Email Signatures
This one is often overlooked. All you need to do is put a line item at the bottom of your email signature and invoice saying, “Ask me about generator monitoring”. If your customers don’t know you offer generator monitoring, how do you expect to sell? They won’t know to ask about it.
Step 4: Email Promotion
I’m going to assume you have a list of every customer’s email addresses, right? If you don’t, that might be a problem. Using an email blast marketing service is an easy way to broadcast that you offer monitoring. Don’t have an in-house marketing team to create a brochure? Ask Power Telematics for help! We offer several styles of easy to read, personally branded for you, brochures that you can send out to your clients.
Step 5: Service Tech Commission Program
This one might be a stretch but can be an effective way to get your team on board. We have seen with some companies offering incentives for their technician team to promote monitoring. Since they are the face of your company when they make a service visit, have them tell your customers about your monitoring program. If a client says yes, you can provide a small bonus to the technician for selling it. I know for myself, if a technician swears by a product or maintenance, I often do it.
By no means is this the end of the list, but these 5 steps are some easy ways to start generating interest in your monitoring program. If you have questions on this or want to review your service and sales efforts to include monitoring, contact our sales team at 678-992-5501 and press option 2.