Monitoring is something you can offer to EVERY customer.
It is still one of the biggest questions in the generator industry today: “Why should I monitor a generator?” Or better yet, “why should we monitor our customer’s generator?” For some, it’s another thing to offer and keep track of, for others, they don’t see the value. What we say, it’s too important NOT to do it.
Right now, generators are in very high demand. With people working remotely and kids doing virtual learning, the need for reliable and constant power is so vital. For commercial customers, the consequences of a generator failure can be catastrophic. And at the root of that, is the dependency on generator reliability. Generator owners expect their generators to work EVERY TIME. If a generator shuts down, the only way customers are going to know the generator is shutdown is when there’s a power outage and they’re left in the dark. A terrible instance for both you and the customer.
This is where remote monitoring is so important. By having a device that instantly notifies you of a generator problem, you have the opportunity to service the generator immediately to get the customer back online. Fixing problems quickly not only keeps your customers happy, but you as the dealer make more profitable service calls! You also have access online to see each unit in real time with live data putting you in control of your service business.
What’s even better is getting started with monitoring AND offering it to your clients is much easier than you think. In this series, we will detail simple and painless methods to showcase remote monitoring without costing you a dime. Because, here at Power Telematics, we are dedicated to helping customer understand and succeed with monitoring.
Stay tuned for new updates coming soon! Now, more than ever, is the time to start generator monitoring. Don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email with any remote monitoring questions! We are here to be YOUR monitoring partner.