Just about every generator brand on the market today has a basic, factory-grade residential monitoring solution. These brands heavily market their solution as the “best of the best”, but is it really?
These pre-built solutions are often unreliable and come with very limited features. What if there was a solution out there that gave you the flexibility to monitor what you and your customers want, is affordable and easy to use?
The Power Telematics PT Series is the Standard for today’s generator monitoring. Taking simplistic monitoring to its finest. These systems are designed to maximize your monitoring and provide you and your customers an idle level of service.
What do you get with Power Telematics Monitoring?
1) Ease of Install. Installed at the generator set, these systems are designed for a stress-free and easy wire hook-up.
2) Flexibility. Power Telematics offers something that NO ONE else offers and that’s customizable monitoring. Not only does the PT Series have great, out of the box monitoring, but you can scale it to you and your customers needs using our optional Accessory Kits. Take monitoring a step further and design it how YOU want it.
3) Reliability. The PT Series has the most reliable form of communication, cellular. We offer 4G LTE and M1 solutions through AT&T and VZW to provide consistent monitoring service.
4) Unmatched Customer Service. Power Telematics isn’t just another monitoring service. We are your monitoring partner. Our mission is to provide a unique and dedicated experience with our customers. We staff generator technicians for the best install help, and have a team of support reps available to make monitoring as easy as possible for you.